EXCLUSIVE: Julie Macklowe of Macklowe Whiskey

Whiskey in a teacup is cute but some whiskeys would be more appropriate in a champagne glass. The refinement of Macklowe Whiskey is parallel to Hennessy Paradis Imperial Rare Cognac in that ultra smooth finish, almost oud nose and rich flavor. As if that wasn’t enough to fall in love with a whiskey unlike any other, it has also spearheaded a new category in spirits as the first American single-malt whiskey. The brainchild of American businesswoman and whiskey aficionado, Julie Macklowe. Realizing a critical gap in the market she single-handedly decided to bring luxury single-malt whiskey production to American soil.

Meeting with Julie, one is immediately struck by her direct and detail-oriented personality where her passion for the craftsmanship of whiskey is apparent. We had the opportunity to chat with founder, Julie Macklowe about her journey blazing a new American trail.

You have a very diversified career background. What brought you to whiskey production?

My interest in whiskey began while I worked on leveraged buyouts for J.P. Morgan in South Korea. I started drinking whiskey as a way to integrate into my all-male team: work with the boys, drink with the boys, mentality. I would use my dinner allowance to buy different brands in duty-free stores and gift shops. I started with that tiny whiskey collection but have since developed a strong love for whiskey. In late 2002, I moved back to the United States for a hedge fund job.

Soon after I was set up on a blind date with my now husband of twenty years, Billy Macklowe. After our wedding, I discovered whiskey auctions—and, boom, my collection grew quickly. Today, I have an entire floor of our apartment dedicated to all the various whiskeys that we have collected throughout the years. While browsing through the collection, one day, I realized that we had excellent whiskeys from 1939 to the present day, from Irish, Canadian, and Japanese distilleries, but nothing high-end made in the United States.

Suddenly I realized there was a gap in the market—there were no luxury American single malts! So right then, I decided to make one myself. Clearly, I had lost my mind. Fortunately for me, I was able to convince one of the world’s best blenders, Ian MacMillan, to help us. It was in 2019 that the Macklowe was born.

What makes a single-malt whiskey?

The category single-malt whiskey has yet to be approved in the United States, so there are currently various definitions. For us, a single-malt whiskey is made from 100% malted barley at a single distillery using new American oak casks.

Why haven’t other American producers attempted to create this kind of whiskey?

This is an emerging category, and there are a handful of players in this space, ranging from exciting smaller craft players to some larger, better known distillers, such as Westland, Stranahan’s, and Balcones, and even a few prominent producers—Jack Daniel’s, Bulleit, and Jim Beam—have recently entered the category. While the category is officially still under review by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Trade Bureau (TTB), most brands, like us, continue to operate without a formal definition. We all hope that the day of recognition will be here soon.

Macklowe whiskey is known for having a deep, rich, well-developed flavor profile, with exceptional refinement. How were you and your team able to create such fine quality so early into your production?

When Ian MacMillan signed on to be our distiller, we all agreed that we would only source the finest ingredients, which is precisely what we did. We cut no corners. Now that Ian has retired, Brendan McCarron has taken over, and the same rigorous standards still apply. We use the finest Kentucky spring water, ISC Cooper Select barrels, sweet mash, and 100% malted barley. The liquids we choose are at least 4.5 out of 5 stars in my opinion, and I regularly taste samples from each batch. Every batch is a small batch; whiskey from only ten casks is used in each gold edition bottle, so the contents of every single cask must be of exceptional quality.  

You currently have three releases: Black Edition: 12-year-old single cask; Black Edition: 9-year-old single cask; and Gold Edition: 44-month-old Kentucky. How are they different from one another, and which is your favorite?

I prefer the gold bottle (our gold edition Kentucky whiskey) for an everyday fabulous drinking whiskey (SRP $259). Whiskey in these casks was made by us from scratch and is my pride and joy. The two whiskeys under the black edition are super limited runs, each run made from a single cask. Ian sourced the casks for the black edition runs from Bull Run Distilling Co. in Oregon; the last bottling only made 202 bottles. Our gold and black editions have won multiple awards, including Double Gold San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2023 for our Black edition and a Double Gold this year for the Kentucky gold edition. I like to say the two editions are cousins, not sisters. It just depends on what you are in the mood for. For me, the black label is what I would drink on a special occasion.

Where is Macklowe whiskey produced?

Macklowe gold-edition whiskey is produced exclusively in Danville, Kentucky. We make it in the same general way as you make bourbon: the components are loaded into a column still for a double distillation, then into a doubler (which is a pot still), then they enter the oak casks for aging.

It often seems whiskey production is a man’s world. How has it been for you as a woman to lead this evolution of American spirits?  

There are some incredible women in this business. However, yes, it is similar to finance in the sense that there are many more men in this business. Honestly, I don’t notice it much because I have worked in finance for a long time. People are people. I want a great product and customers who love and enjoy drinking the Macklowe whiskey.  

Are there any upcoming products on the horizon that you are excited about?

We have just launched the cutest 200-milliliter minis for some of the best hotels in the United States. The mini bottle is shaped like a flask, which was the original design concept behind our full-size bottle. We are also working on a release of rye and bourbon in late 2024 and 2025, respectively.

How has the consumer reaction been to an American single-malt whiskey?

The American single malt as a category still requires much consumer education. Our customers first recognize the Macklowe name and brand and then learn about the American single malt once they start drinking our product. I like to say it is like bourbon made with 100% malted barley, if you like bourbon, or it is like scotch made in Kentucky if you like scotch. It is a product that starts like a bourbon and finishes more like a scotch. Our product appeals to both types of drinkers. 

What has been your proudest moment throughout this endeavor? 

One special moment was winning Double Gold in the San Francisco World Spirits Competition in 2023 for the Kentucky gold bottle. I have also really enjoyed getting to know some of the world’s most famous chefs along the way, and the people who work in the spirits industry are terrific and super talented.  

Do you have any advice for entrepreneurs starting out?

Enjoy the journey.  Starting a company from scratch is exhausting, so make sure you love what you are doing.  And don’t forget to have a glass of whiskey along the way. 


  • Photo credits: Macklowe Whiskey