CELEBRATIONS: Mother’s Day Brunch Spritz Ideas

Join us as we raise a glass to mothers around the world; biological, adopted, nurturers in heart and action. We wouldn’t be here without the leading lady in our lives. There is nothing like a mother’s love and this Mother’s Day we’ve partnered with Fresh Victor to bring you easy and delicious cocktails to impress your mother with. Chief Mixologist at Fresh Victor, H. Joseph Ehrmann created alcoholic and non-alcoholic options and the Fresh Victor fresh pressed juices make making cocktails as easy as pouring dreamy juices into a beautiful glass, and Voila!

‘At’s Amore

Alcoholic or non-alcoholic/ Original Recipe – Difficulty: Easy

To make one glass:

  • 4oz prosecco / sparkling wine
  • 2oz Fresh Victor Lemon Sour
  • 1oz Italian Amaro

Garnish: No Garnish

Ice: None

Glass: Flute or wine

Build Method:

First pour the Fresh Victor in the glass, then the amaro. Add the wine last to fill and monitor foam as you pour. The final pour and associated carbonation will provide the stir needed.

Non-Alcoholic Version / Mocktail: Try any non-alcoholic amaro substitute, such as Three Spirit The Nightcap. Substitute your favorite sparkling cider, seltzer/soda water, or flavored seltzer/soda water for the wine.

Mixologist’s Notes: Refrigerating all ingredients and then building the drink will result in the coldest drink possible.

The Last Dance

Alcoholic / Original Recipe / Difficulty: Easy

To make one glass:

  • 1.5oz Fresh Victor Cactus Pear & Pomegranate
  • 3oz Brut sparkling wine
  • 1.5oz brandy (preferably VS or VSOP cognac or armagnac)

Garnish: Pomegranate Arils

Ice: None

Glass: Flute (Make sure all ingredients are equally cold. You can even put the brandy on ice, though it’s not absolutely necessary.)

Build Method:

In a champagne flute add the brandy and Fresh Victor first, then slowly top with the sparkling wine. Garnish with a few arils on top.

Mixologist’s Notes: I love the formula of 1-2oz of Fresh Victor with 3-4oz of wine and .5-1.5oz of a liqueur or spirit. There are so many good combinations to play with, but this one just screams celebratory to me. Use very nice wine and very nice brandy, and you’re living the good life!


Low Alcohol / Original Recipe / Difficulty: Easy

To make one glass:

Garnish: No Garnish

Ice: None

Glass: Flute

Build Method:

Refrigerate all bottles to optimize chill at point of service, then build in a flute.



  • PHOTO CREDITS: Karina Finch